222 Delawanna Ave

Clifton, New Jersey 07014

(973) 458-1188

24/7 Emergency Response

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 5:30

Normal business hours

Milling & Grinding

HOLES Solutions milling and grinding
HOLES will come out and mill any size excavation that you have in a roadway or parking lot. The benefit is that your trench is now opened up with a clean, sharp edge, and in most cases, will eliminate the need to saw cut after you have finished your project.   Find out more by calling your HOLES representative now at (973) 458-1188.


We always get notified about a dangerous situations in our walking or driving areas. There is nothing better than calling HOLES and have them take care of the problem immediately, at almost the same square foot cost as getting my entire property redone.
— Pete Muller
M&M Realty
HOLES Infrastructure Solutions
222 Delawanna Avenue
Clifton, NJ 070014
Phone: (973) 458-1188